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John’s Story

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris tempus commodo urna ac iaculis. Sed euismod laoreet leo. Vestibulum consectetur laoreet purus a sodales. Praesent turpis neque, interdum vel lorem at, tempus porttitor lacus. Nullam a pulvinar nibh, quis gravida nisl. Cras vitae hendrerit risus.

Nunc vehicula odio tortor, ut vestibulum sapien mattis a. Maecenas tincidunt in nisi eleifend congue. Nulla pharetra turpis ullamcorper, euismod libero id, condimentum velit. Pellentesque vitae eros feugiat, tincidunt nisl nec, interdum neque. Mauris nisi magna, sodales vitae augue a, tincidunt posuere massa.

Fusce ut semper dui, in vehicula magna. Aenean tempor, nibh eu volutpat posuere, tortor purus commodo sapien, nec semper eros risus sed enim. Curabitur adipiscing justo augue, in rhoncus mauris imperdiet a. Duis urna mi, dignissim et ante ac, mollis volutpat elit. Sed vulputate, leo ut ultrices pharetra, leo lacus semper nunc, vel porttitor arcu velit id ante. Aenean et lectus erat.

They’ve said about John’s work

John’s Clients

  • I started running 15 years ago, on a casual basis, to get the dog out. And in all honesty, to help give up smoking. It worked.

    In 2011 I embarked on my first ultra, finishing Sinister 7 feeling hungry for more. Having built my training mileage from next to nothing in that first year, it made me realise how much your body could do and how much of a mental challenge it was.

    Now I continue to train hard on the trails of Fernie, so I can plan a fun running and race season all over North America and beyond. I’m a huge advocate of proper form and technique and can chat running all night. Call me.

  • I moved to Fernie from the UK in 2006 and despite only coming for one winter to ski, am still here. I hated running as a kid. And after a horrendous marathon experience in New York in 2005, declared I was never, ever running again. However, moving to Fernie the following year changed that, as I discovered trail running…

    Petrified of Canadian wildlife, I slowly embarked on discovering more Fernie trails, soon realising I was a much better runner than biker. In 2012, a year after Mike, I too found myself toeing the line at Sinister 7. Unbeknownst, 148kms later I would be hooked. It’s changed my life and allowed me to meet so many amazing people, I hope to help others find their happy place on the trails.